
Monday, 18 December 2017

One year has passed

About one year ago, Vijay and Vio went to visit Aryan's family for the first time. A lot has happened since then. We have founded our association and our work is no longer limited to the family. Still, everything began with this family - so where are we after one year?

Vio og Vijay told Cathrine that the family did not have enough to eat and their living conditions were quite bad. So the first thing Cathrine and her family did was to better their living conditions by funding improvements on their house, as well as getting them a bike and a sewing machine. Cathrine and her family also agreed to support the family monthly to make sure they had enough food while we work on a long term solution. The goal for the project is for the family to manage on their own and help the family with the childrens education. Today the family is better fed and since the kids get enough to eat they are able to learn better. Most of the kids know how to read now and are improving their skills in english too. And the family has more goats (seven total - they had three a year ago)! All this is good, but are we closer to a long term solution for the family?

The answer is YES! We have already mentioned the goats and we hope the number of goats will continue to grow. Also - early next year the family will receive their own landbooks and if all goes as planned they will put down their first harvest before summer (their land is used by someone else without their permission... long story... but soon this will be resolved we hope). We have been working on this for the better part of this year and it is nice to finally get closer to them having access to their land (someone in their extended family has delayed the process, but as the family gets their own books this matter is solved as well). It will still take some time before the family can manage on their own, but things are moving in the right direction! Cathrine and her family will continue to support the family in 2018 and when it comes to education for the children, they are in this for the long run!

We have come a long way in 2017 and are really happy with the progress. None of this would be possible without Vio, Vijay and Ravi in Friends in Khajuraho Association!! We are forever greatful for your commitment!