
Monday, 31 July 2017

Thank you Vijay and Ravi!

The last couple of weeks, Vijay has been our teacher since Ravi is in Dehli for his German studies. Vijay has done a great job as a teacher these two weeks and it is great for us to know we have such a capable substitute teacher at hand. Our literacy class is now taking a well earned break. We will start the classes again in two months, and by then Ravi is back to teach. We will thank all our donors and partners who have made this possible. We are now working on expanding and improving our literacy project.

In his first lesson,  the students showed Vijay how Ravi ususally holds the class and showed him their books. The students also told Vijay they were very happy to have Ravi as a teacher and that he teaches well. Vijay did a small test of their skills and also gave them a small assignment from us; to write and/or draw what they think of our class and their dreams for the future. Not an easy task for indian children; to speak (or write) openly about things like that from their own hearts and minds! But they did their best, and we will share this with you later on.

We were happy to learn that Aryan's oldest son came by and participated in Vijay's first class! He has said he doesn't want to do the class anymore- but still there he was! We are hoping to set up a class more suitable for him and others like him from October when Ravi is back in Khajuraho.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Literacy class is taking a break

The literacy class is taking time off in August and September. During this holiday - our teacher, Ravi, will continue his  German studies at the Goethe Institute in Dehli. He went to Dehli monday his week already, and his brother Vijay takes over the classes that are left in July. Vijay knows most of the students from before and we know he will take good care of them!

We have discussed getting books for reading for our students with Ravi. He has not been able to find suitable books in the local area, but as he is now in Dehli this will be easier for him. We have agreed on a budget and are looking forwards to see what kind of books he finds.

We will take the opportunity to thank Ravi for his commitment and cooperation. He is a great teacher - even greater than we thought he would be. In the words of Friends in Khajuraho Assciation;

"The teacher, Ravi, is also enthusiastic. He really enjoys his job as a teacher; he takes it seriously (he always catches up on the classes he cannot take), and we feel he even fulfills himself at the job - something which takes us by surprise even though we are his family! Indeed, he shows creativity in his teaching methods and loves to take initiatives to respond to his students' needs and requests, which proves his capacity to listen to them and to take them seriously. And this is great!"

In his last report to us he says that the students are progressing well, but there are of course differences between them. One of the older girls is getting really good in reading and writing, and one of the boys (app.16 years old) has a great capacity for learning. He had almost no reading- and writing skills when the class started so there is still work ahead of him though. One of the boys in class dropped out of ordinary school really early. He is now about 14 years old and lookes after goats during the day. Ravi says he is really funny in class - but has a hard time concentrating and ends up doing his own thing if Ravi doesn't follow up on him and tell him to pay attention. But he always shows up - and we hope he'll learn to read and write properly in due time.

The literacy class starts up again in October - and we plan to expand the literacy class and hold more classes. The details of this is not set yet though.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Clothes donations - small steps

Vio and Vijay in Friends of Khajuraho Association gave out clothes in Tikri late in May, but they still have more clothes to give out. It takes time to get to know a new village so we have told them to give the remaining clothes to whoever is in need for now.  The clothes will be given out when Vio and Vijay come across families in need of the clothes that are left. Here are three happy children with new clothes (and some pink shoes!)

Friday, 14 July 2017

Artistic literacy class

Last week, Ravi told us that the students wants to spend some time drawing in class. Creativity is important and fun - so we agreed. Ravi bought colours and paper and here are some of the paintings!

Monday, 10 July 2017

New donations towards our work!

A few weeks back, our organisation started working on funding new projects, and expanding our literacy project. So far we have a few new regular donors, a new member - and we have received about 400 euros in one-time donations!! We are very happy about this, and we know more donations are coming our way before the summer is over.

Thank you so much - we use all our donations towards our projects with no administrative overhead. All the money we receive is carefully spent towards giving children and young adults in Tikri a chance at a better life!

A huge "thank you" to everyone who contributes to our work.

Congratulations to Friends in Khajuraho Association

Vio Meena Soni and Vijay Soni have for some time been working on starting their own organisation - and now it is here!! In June Vio founded a French organisation together with Aurélie Cadilhac. We are looking forward to continue working with them and wishing them all the best!

Visit their website for more information on their Projects: The Different School,  an Eco-Friendly Promise, The Cloth Bags Project, Sponsorships, Literacy Classes and Clothing distribution .

The drawing on their logo is made by their students.

Semi annual report, spring 2017

We have now completed our first semi annual report! A brief summary are presented below, but you can also read the whole report here.

Our Projects and Actions

We have supported Aryan's* Family to prevent under- and malnutrition.
The Family has two rooms in their house now, and they have a toilet. The second oldest son in the Family works in Dehli and decided to use his savings towards a proper roof on the new room; they covered most of the cost of the roof themselves. The toilet was build with funds from a government program we told them about. They have two working bycycles and all the children have the opportunity to go to literacy class (the two oldest sons do not attend). The oldest daughter has joined a one year class in sewing and clothes design, and she has a sewing machine to practise on and work with in the future. The children has gotten new clothes (donated by Vio and Vijay's friends and Devidine Association), and the mother got a new sari from us. There are also other things we have helped them with.

Late April, we started our Literacy Class, with Ravi Soni as our teacher. The classes are held 4 afternoons a week and the class takes up to 15 students. Some of our students have not gone to school (or dropped out early), others are still in school - or have finished class 8. Students who have finished class 8 in the village school still have very poor reading and writing skills, so our class is important for them too. Our teacher says the students are making good progress and are motivated for learning. The classes are held in front of the house of Aryan's Family (or inside if it rains).

We sent 28 kg of clothes and toys to Tikri in late April. Some of this was distributed on the 28th of May (the rest will be distributed at a later point).


Our regular expenses are about 350 euros a month as of 30th of June. 45 percent of this goes towards Aryan's* Family, 30 percent towards the Literacy Project, and the rest (about 25 percent) is compensation to Vio and Vijay. Our regular donations are about 390 euro a month. We also get single donations and semi- regular donations. We have a small surplus in our account available for the Literacy Project and/or new projects (260 euro) and the Board will discuss how to use this surplus after the summer holiday (the surplus is expected to grow over the summer).

Where to go from here

We want to keep working on promoting  literacy in the village of Tikri, and are hoping to set up a class for the older boys in the village.  We have to discuss this with our teacher and Vio and Vijay in Friends in Khajuraho Association. Friends in Khajuraho Association plans to start a new Project this fall - the Cloth Bag Project - and we will contribute towards this with whatever we can.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Hidden talents!

Earlier this week, we received a video, pictures and messages from our teacher, Ravi Soni. The pictures/video were taken when the students worked on a story of a bird, her two children and a crow - and while the students worked on the text, Ravi drew for them on the board. We were surprised to learn that our teacher has such a talent for arts!

Our students have asked us if they can do some painting in class (inspired by Ravi's drawings maybe?), and we agreed. Learning is not all about letters, grammar and numbers. Children in India are often not encouraged to be creative and express themselves and are often subjected to strict rules growing up. So we will give them the opportunity to be a bit creative and play with colours, and hope this will make them smile, laugh, give them a new experience and build their self esteem and confidence.