Being a Norwegian NGO with projects in India has it's challenges. In this entry we will share with you how we manage the family project. Some aspects of the project are influenced by it's origin as private support from a family friend. Still, the way the project is run will apply to other projects, at least in the near future.
Vio and part of the family (and Vio's/Vijay's baby daughter) |
The practical issues
The project is managed locally by Vio Meena Soni and Vijay Soni from
Friends in Khajuraho. They visit the family every week, sorting out practical issues and talk with them and guide them. This side of the project is very important since the children in this family are not used to living in a world with opportunities! Vijay's knowledge of the community and Vio's connection to other organisations are a huge assets.
Together with the family and us, they plan for the future, explore options and evaluate as the project develops.
Vio and Cathrine often talk on WhatsApp, and Vio also sends a detailed overview of actions each month. No big decitions with financial consequenses are taken without Cathrine's knowledge and approval.
The finances
The project costs 15000 INR a month (220 euro). 5000 INR goes to Vio and Vijay and this money also cover their costs.
The family receves food rations since they are below the powerty line, but this is not sufficient to keep the family healthy. The family therefor relies on theyoung boys to work. Most of the money spent on this project is used to support their diet at the moment, so that the boys can start school again. We also pay for sewingclasses for the eldest daughter in the famliy (the other girls are in school).
Early on, Cathrine and her family gave the family an additional 25 000 INR (360 euro) for investments. This money was spent on a sewing machine, bicycle, bicycle repairs, a front door, building materials to expand their house, a simple mobile phone and a few other minor things.
Vio sends a detailed account to Cathrine every month, and Cathrine also receive pictures of things they buy for the family. The project is fully funded by Cathrine and her family.
Vijay reading a letter from Cathrine to the family |